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noteNOW is a smart network messaging system that enables efficient instant broadcasting of messages to all or specific groups of network users. noteNOW provides the ability to intelligently direct ...
DexterUT Family for the Macintosh
NerolSansUT BoldOblique for the Windows Platform
The Dragon FlicPanelX is an ActiveX control which will play back flic-file animations (*.FLC, *.FLI). The control additionally supports both pre-rendering and stretching of animations and transpare...
Discover world-class card playing action anytime, anywhere, on any device! Simple to learn, yet challenging to master, Championship Cribbage Pro offers a fun and exciting gaming experience for casu...
Comm-Logger is a very easy to use serial communication data logger. It can log data directly from the serial port to a standard file. Up to 32 ports may be logged concurrently.
JuanitoUT Bold for the Windows Platform
Built in Australia for Australian Pilots, FlightPlanner caters for the basic and some advanced flight planning. It is simple and intuitive, based upon the current manual flight planning principles ...
Boys School is in turmoil. The school is been ravaged by a vicious Bully and his gang of thugs. But a new arrival is about to change all that.
GloriaUT Shine for the Windows Platform
HeloisaUT RegularItalic for the Windows Platform
DyanaUT Family for the Windows Platform
This set contains 10 icons and 10 animatedNormal Select cursors. (2 styles and 5 colors)
Weather Update uses your computers internet connection to automatically retrieve weatherreports for more than 1,300 cities and locations in the United Statesand Canada. You can access the weather r...
KadlecSerifUT Regular for the Windows Platform
quarterly silver plus vhost
KadlecSerifUT RegularItalic for the Macintosh
eGems Collector Pro is the fastest, easiest way to gather, access and share facts, resources, data, quotes, graphics and other discrete pieces, or gems of information. Perfect for Internet research...
This order contains the Unlock password for Waterworld Chart 11383 Pensacola Bay. The order will generate an email containing the password to unlock the chart install program that may be downloade...
Now transferring text between your Desktop and Handheld is as easy as Copy - HotSync- Paste! ClipSync is a clipboard conduit that swaps the contents of your Handheld and PC clipboards during HotSy...
Finally ! Windows the way it should be ! Includes: New look to the Windows GUI (Transparent Desktop) with new icons, SL Packer, QuickSearch (Let's you find stuff on the net quickly), a dozen of sma...
FernandTallUT Family for the Macintosh
EZ-Cloak is the only application of its kind. EZ-Cloak stores pictures hidden on your computer, and it is so easy to use! It is password protected and accessed with hotkeys.
Personal Knowledge System is a computer program for the collection and organization of knowledge. Using the hypertext model, it allows an individual to collect and organize information as it presen...