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CDn innehaller uppgifter om 3300 stipendier, bidrag och anslag i Sverige och utlandet for alla mojliga andamal. Kraftfullt sokverktyg. For Windows 95 och Windows 3.x
FernandCondensedUT RegularOblique for the Windows Platform
SerenoUT Family for the Windows Platform
DelgadoUT Light for the Macintosh
KeyPack for Windows 98/95/NT/2000 is a special utility designed to manage and keep track all kind of passwords, including web site access codes, software serial numbers and other secret numbers you...
Acute Softwares Timer hasthree main timing modes: Manual Mode (Acts as a standard stopwatch); TimerMode (count for a fixed amount of time...like an egg timer) and Alarm ClockMode (timer will count ...
Art of Salvador Dali. Over 70 paintings 1937-1983.
Basic Contracts andAgreements allows you to create legally binding documents quickly. Yousimply select a document, answer some questions, click "view document", andprint. This program includes seve...
CondeSerifUT HeavyItalic for the Windows Platform
FusionUT Italic for the Windows Platform
AliveColors is a powerful and easy to use Digital Ptoto Editing Software for Color Correction. It allows to enhance scanned images quality and apply peculiar effects. It creates some very impressiv...
OldorionUT RegularItalic for the Windows Platform
HeloisaSansUT LightItalic for the Windows Platform
This allows yourmouse to: activate your screen saver and deactivate ittemporarily or long term, temporarily or permanently mute the PCand start your favorite program. It also allows muting when you...
KadlecUT ExtraBold for the Macintosh
RubertZigUT RegularItalic for the Macintosh
My Converter can break a integer value down to bits, bytes, kbytes, megabytes, gigabytes, terabytes, exabytes and petabytes. My Converter can also convert Hex, Binary, and Octal values. Applicati...
GrafiaUT Bold for the Macintosh
NashuaUT BoldItalic for the Macintosh
"ProTarot Designer Pro" enables the Professional Reader to create their own Tarot/Runes/I Ching package which can then be distributed or sold on their websites (or through ProTarot.com if assistanc...
Handy Backup Pro is an easy-to-use yet powerful backup program designed for Windows 9x/NT/2000/Me/XP. It makes an automatic scheduled backup of your critical data virtually to any type of storage m...
Screensaver compatible with Win 9.x and NT 4. Many display transitions may be set by the user. The background music or sound effects may be switched on or off by the user. Registration removes s...
StedgeSansUT Regular for the Windows Platform
StavrosCondensedUT Bold for the Macintosh