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All banners are at the tops of the sites. It is only one banner per page and I only have a maximum of 5 banners at the same time in the banner rotation. All banners are shown onall pages. The cost ...
Complex document managementautomation, including corporate electronic archives. Full-text and attributesearch and documents retrieval. Documents input form Internet (via MSInternet Explorer and Net...
Aid development of the speed of a seal on the keyboard by a "blind" method.
You can easily change the layout of all parts of the shoppingcart with your favourite HTML-editor!Free support from the vipcart.com supportservice.Support for Secure Credit-Card processing at any s...
RyaniUT Regular for the Macintosh
HudsonSerifUT Family for the Windows Platform
PhelpsOldenUT RegularItalic for the Macintosh
Do you ever lose your usernames or passwords? Do you not like banner ads?This program can help! Refsoft Lockbox can store an unlimited number of usernames and passwords for you, in an easy to use i...
RAV Millenium is one ofthe very few anti-virus solutions in the world dedicated to the applicationsin the Microsoft Office 2000 suite. Perfectly integrated with the most usualbrowsers, and providin...
InfoMiles provides acomprehensive solution for analyzing the log files maintained by manycommunication programs. The versatile design allows users to define theformat of date and time based log fi...
MailList Controller is a stand alone application to create and manage multiple mailing lists, support mails, electronic newsletters, ezines and group mails.The software allows list members to use n...
Screensaver compatible with Win 9.x and NT 4. Many display transitions may be set by the user. The background music or sound effects may be switched on or off by the user. Registration removes s...
One of the BEST IBM shooters yet! A fast paced slugfest, with a pulse-poundingsound track, and jaw-dropping VGA animation & cinematics. In the future asa mercenary flying the super-tech Raptor, you...
Virtual Study Model (r) is multimedia dental software that acts as a computerized "whiteboard". It assists the dentist in explaining unique clinical situations via professional dental graphics and...
SpyMyPC PRO is award-winning, highly flexible, all-round desktop security monitoring solution written for the Windows operating system. SpyMyPC PRO allows you to secretly record ALL keystrokes type...
DistinUT BookItalic for the Macintosh
HeloisaSansUT Family for the Macintosh
QuinteSansCondensedUT BlackOblique for the Windows Platform
JonyzeUT Regular for the Macintosh
QuinteCondensedUT Bold for the Windows Platform
This order contains the Unlock password for Waterworld Chart 13006 West Quoddy Head/New York. The order will generate an email containing the password to unlock the chart install program that may ...
1st Video Converter is an effective solution for video file converting. It supports: AVI to AVIMPEG1, MPEG2, DVD, VCD, SVCD, pictures ; and Pictures ,AVI, MPEG to MPEG and Picture to AVI/MPEG etc.Y...
RMRBank is the most comprehensive finance package available for the EPOC Series of platforms. As well as the usual functions of Transaction storing and reconciling, Archiving, Standing Orders and C...
The Sopwith Camel was an aircraft that was as dangerous to rookie pilots as the enemy. In the hands of an experienced flier however it was a lethal weapon. The pilot, guns engines and 80% of the ma...
IntelligentFind allows you to ask your PalmPilot questions in English and displays the results ranked by the relevance to your questions. When in 4simple4 mode, IntelligentFind will search your Pa...