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Active File Compare is an advanced utility for the comparison and synchronization of any text files in visual mode, it reports the results of the comparison in two side-by-side windows on the screen.
Syntax highlighting Text Editor and ActiveX. Editeur handles many syntaxes, such as Perl, Html, Java, Asp, Vb, C++, .ini, .bat, and more. Full-blown and fast product aimed at simplicity and visual ...
Distribute your apps without worrying about runtime dependencies. VB-PowerWrap scans a VB project, wraps all dll's & ocx's, and creates a self-contained file for distribution. Also lets you embed a...
Structac'2000 enables to document the Tables Queries & Import Export Specifications of a Database (Presently Access but will be provided support for other ODBC daatbases in the near future). It Gen...
PasteMaster is a text pasting utility. It makes the process of filling in Email, Text-filesand such as easy as possible.
Full user preprogrammable, source code editor with ObjectPascal macros support, built-in WebBrowser, CodeHighlight, BookMark, FastCode, SymbolBrowsing, Drag and Drop for files and macros, Menus and...
Source Translator - program, which helps programmers (of Visual Basic - first of all)translate the source code of their projects (application) intodifferent languages.autosearch of strings (text li...
CCViewer is a fast, efficient image viewer for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000.This simple, elegant application includes a fast, real time thumbnailviewer and image catalog printer as well as a slide show...
Textplorer supports data field coloring in structured files, ANSI, OEM, EBCDIC or user defined character sets, CRLF detection, bookmarks, fast load of large files,...
Explorer Bar Creator is a Windows tool (one-step wizard) that lets you create your own Explorer bar from any HTML page, picture, Macromedia Flash file or MS Office document. Usually, making Explore...
The 3DLegend 4.1 is anActiveX component, used to display 2d and 3d legends. The shape of the itemmarks can be a cube or a sphere. Fill effects and materials can be appliedon marks, texts and legend...
Collection of 600+ asm source codes.Compressed in a 13 Mb of Zip file.All are ready-to-assemble codes.Most source codes have convincing comments for easy reading. You are free to reuse any part of ...
Canopus is a blazingly-fast, really quick-loading 32-bit text editor for Windows 95/98.Canopus features: A completely-customizable edit window; Superior Find, Search, Replace, Counting functi...
3DPieChart 4.1 is anActiveX component, used to display 2d and 3d pie charts. The shape of thedata items can either be a standard pie or a torus. Fill effects andmaterials can be applied on data ite...
A syntax colouring programmer's editor for program languages, scripts, HTML, configuration files, and documentation. Built-in project support and comprehensive HTML help.
ScopeEdit is a new advanced programmer's text editor which addresses the special problems of creating and organizing complex documents such as programming source files or any other task which requi...
Show Visual Basic code inyour web pages and help manuals, the way people expect to see it -color-coded. VB 2 Html converts VB, VBA and VBScript to color-coded HTML,which can be placed directly into...
If you are a programmer or a web/graphics designer, you most likely deal with color codes of some sort. When you see a color you like, Pixel Point 1.0 allows you to quickly and easily capture the d...
List the source code forVisual Basic forms, standard modules and class modules, with the filenamedate and time at the top of each page. Re-print one or more pages from alisting.Create a cross-refer...
Nevron Chart for Windows Forms is a high-end chart component designed to deliver flexible, robust and powerful charting capabilities with unmatched presentation quality to your Windows Forms applic...
EditPad Pro is a compact but powerful syntax coloring text and hexadecimal editor. It's a perfect Notepad replacement with a convenient tabbed interface, and all the features a solid text edit...
Vector-graphics editor fordesign of schemes. It has functions like Visio. Plus hierarchical structureof schemes & embedded object-oriented database by elements of schemes.
Excellent development tool for Airborne Express custom shipping solutions. Create Airborne certified shipping labels to any US domestic destination and print them on your own printer. ActiveX Contr...
ASAPstart is a highly specialized tool for quality scheme design during the project-planning phase.A built-in multi-functional graphical editor with rich image library is included. Smart connectors...
Lotus Notes Gadgets FTP(lngFTP) is a LSX that will allow the Lotus Script programmer to incorporate file transfer functionality within their Notes application.