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StedgeSansUT HeavyItalic for the Windows Platform
Conversions between any two currencies from the list. You can search them by symbol, name or country. All conversions are calculated using US dollar rates. It is possible to use another basic curre...
PhelpsUT SmallCaps&Osf for the Windows Platform
FionellyUT Inline for the Macintosh
A great birthday tool! This program automatically generates custom web pages that list things like famous people who share a birthday, current prices during your birth year (bread, gas, milk, cars...
GusmanUT BoldItalic for the Windows Platform
NashuaUT RegularItalic for the Macintosh
This order contains the Unlock password for Waterworld Chart 18754 Newport Bay. The order will generate an email containing the password to unlock the chart install program that may be downloaded ...
CoolFade98 is an ActiveXcontrol that creates a gradient fade on from one color to another on anyform/window that the control is placed on. VB5 Source Code is available.
HeloisaSansUT Bold for the Windows Platform
This web template comes with graphics and will work with Dreamweaver, Frontpage and any other HTML editor.
FernandUT Bold for the Macintosh
New Age Experience takes you on an enchanting voyage through cultures and time into the worlds of Tarot, Numerology, Runes, and IChing; it includes the following products: SofTarot (Originated 500 ...
This is the full set of Calendar templates for use with Microsoft Word 95 or later. These templates are delivered in a Zip file, and do not work on the Mac platform.
GrafiaScriptUT Medium for the Macintosh
NEW! Register Paydoit! and receive a version without locked windows! NEW! Easy setup and complete compatibility with newer versions of Realbasic! The download contains a series of REALbasic modules...
PhelpsUT Black for the Macintosh
OldorionUT Family for the Windows Platform
MarcionUT Family for the Macintosh
A massive collection of 25+ useful tools and utilities for all your needs! 25+ quality software programs included below:IP AD Web Sender, Ebook Creator Toolkit, Magic Subscriber, Traffic Wizard, Si...
Discover world-class card playing action anytime, anywhere, on any device! Simple to learn, yet challenging to master, Championship Hearts, Spades, and Euchre Pro offer a fun and exciting gaming ex...
SoftDream takes you on an exciting journey into the dreams world. What Makes SoftDream so Unique?Interpret and analyze your Dreams A dream dictionary that includes thousands of keywords Search thro...
MenuStrip is a multi-purpose utility for Mac OS X that allows quick access to frequently used settings, such as the computer volume and monitor controls, right from the OS X menubar.
KadlecUT Bold for the Windows Platform
ComCat provides a quickand easy means to get your business online. From a simple informationalwebsite, through an online catalogue to a credit card enabled WebShop.Simply enter your company details...