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Reminders 2000 is the best way to be remember all of your anniversaries, birthdays, appointments, and other occasions. Simple to use and hassle free, Reminders 2000 is designed to allow you to easi...
Aqui puede realizar pagos en multiplos de $ 5.00 para servicios o productos varios.
MoacyrUT RegularItalic for the Macintosh
Use ShellRun to start your CD or DVD professionally.ShellRun neatly AutoRuns your chosen file as soon as your CD is insertedinto a Windows computer, while displaying a splash window or fully config...
This order contains the Unlock password for Waterworld Chart 11450 Fowey Rocks to American Shoal. The order will generate an email containing the password to unlock the chart install program that ...
Mail deliverer for sendingthe same email in many recipients. The difference from the CC and BCC isthat it sends to every recipient as mailing him separately.
DyanaUT Regular for the Windows Platform
HeloisaSansUT LightItalic for the Macintosh
DuhamelUT Medium for the Windows Platform
A powerful and easy to use tool that simplifies the creation of well organized PDF documents. Wizard scans your documents for chapter and section headings and automatically creates bookmarks. Start...
FionellyUT Bold for the Macintosh
Personal Knowledge System is a computer program for the collection and organization of knowledge. Using the hypertext model, it allows an individual to collect and organize information as it presen...
This is the full set of Calendar templates for use with Microsoft Word 95 or later. These templates are delivered in a Zip file, and do not work on the Mac platform.
Progress98 is a fullfeatured ActiveX control that, at first, appears to resemble the one foundin Windows95. Yet, it includes many more features like choosing the ActiveCell Color, the InActive Cel...
DexterUT Family for the Macintosh
Now you can offer your customers the abiltity to alter or update any webpage on their site right from their browser! WebWright is a tiny Perl program which resides in a website's Cgi-bin allowing a...
At scheduled times FTP 4 Webmaster connects to a webhost; downloads a logfile or any other file (decompresses it if compressed in gz format); removes the file from the host (optionally)); invokes a...
FernandUT ExtraBold for the Macintosh
Wipro UWIN is Unix-Windows Interoperability Toolkit, which provides Unixutilities for Windows NT. UWIN also provides application migration from Unixto NT.The upgrade has to be installed on the exis...
FernandSansCondensedUT Regular for the Windows Platform
Cresotech Type-Recorder (T-Rec) is a new software tool providing simple recording and playback of any sequence of keystrokes, including hotkeys and mousekeys. One touch of T-Rec button enables you ...
BookMark Keeper is the program which allows youto create "bookmarks" while reading the document with Adobe Acrobat Reader. At creation of abookmark will be saved not only text position but also zoo...
PrimmiesGOLD is the FIRST trueSpace tsx that will provide interactive image control for both texture maps and bump maps, and with special effects which include predefined effects and user created ...
Computer-assisted instruction for beginning accounting that covers most of the crucial concepts in the accounting cycle. It is class tested and has increased averages one complete grade level.
MoacyrUT Bold for the Macintosh