FastPlan PRO For Business Plans
FastPlan PRO For Business Plans FastPlan PRO Version 3.0 provides fast track compilation of 5-year financial plans for a single business to plug straight into your business plans for presentations to venture capital sources, investors, banks, or for company planning purposes. Version 4.0 combines multiple FastPlan PRO Excel workbooks into one consolidated five year balance sheets, income statements and cash flow statements for a group of companies or budgets. Incorporate federal and state income tax calculations.Using ten quick and easy ready to use integrated financial worksheets with guide notes and demonstration data included (optional), build your five year sales, cost of sales and company expense forecasts, create share issue plans and capital purchase budgets over the five year period. FastPlan PRO uses brings all your plan data together in a simple one step seamless process to create five year balance sheets, profit & loss and cash flow forecasts. FastPlan calculates year end inventory levels, working capital, depreciation charges, tax calculations, financing charges on debt, short and long term loan payables at each year end and forecasts year end bank balances to provide a completely worked out and balanced 5 year business plan. FastPlan PRO calculates all major and significant financial ratios for the 5 year plan, including earnings/share, net assets/share, return on assets, return on shareholder equity, return on invested capital, current ratios, quick ratios, debt ratios and interest coverage. New addition of an extra starting (prior period) balance sheet for swift calculations of changes in working capital, fixed assets and financings for the first year of the plan. Prior period balance sheet can be zero for new ventures. Consolidation. FastPlan 4.0 (on CD) supplies four FastPlan PRO workbooks for preparation of four separate five-year plans. FastPlan Version 4.0 consolidates individual plans into a combined plan for the combined group. FastPlan is used by consultants, accountants, venture capitalists, business planners and entrepreneurs ..