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FaceValue 97 for Windows95/NT is for anyone who deals with savings bonds. It calculates the interestfor Series E, EE and S bonds. Calculations for bonds are displayed byseries and purchase date, w...
tApCalcCPA is a simple accounting and scientific calculator featuring a virtual paper tape. In includes standard calculator functions such as:Memory functionsSub-total, total, grand totalMark-up, M...
Borrowing, business profitability, discounted cash flows, financial planning, investing, bonds, cost of capital, options, valuation and more in this financial toolbox!!!Financial Advisor is a power...
e.Quote is an extremelysimple little utility that you can use to keep track of your mutual fund andstock investments. With the click of a single button, e.Quote willautomatically search the Interne...
Exl-Plan Pro creates business plan projections for new & larger businesses. Ideal for business planning, budgeting, cash flow forecasting, raising finance etc. Based on a user's assumptions, Exl-...
LoanPlus is a flexible mortgage amortization program. Use LoanPlus to calculate and amortize conventional mortgages, baloon mortgages, negative amortization to baloon, or specify the payment amount...
Morovia MICR Fontware contains 10 different sizes of true type fonts for you to print MICR(Magnetic Ink Character Recognition) strip. Calibration Wizard is included. Now you can print check right f...
GST-VAT Accounting (GVA) is an easy-to-use program that is designed to maintain complete and accurate accounting of income and expenses for users in jurisdictions that impose a
Exl-Plan Micro creates business plan projections for new & smaller businesses. Ideal for business planning, budgeting, cash flow forecasting, raising finance etc. Based on a user's assumptions, E...
tApCalc Finance is a mobile tape calculator program with standard and Financial function keys that makes it worthwhile for everyone to carry around in their Palm OS Device.
dbAssist 2000 is a professional but easy to use utility for managing and administering all standard xBASE (.DBF) files. It support FoxPro formats with CDX indexes and FPT and DBT memos, Clipper wit...
WizShop VISUAL Budget MASTER(TM) v3.5.0 Potent budget organizer made for power and simplicity. Design...
Account Express tracks and reconciles transactions for credit cards, savings and checking accounts, and lines of credit. Budget preparation is made easy with the creation of user-defined income and...
full-featured, EASY tousefinancial manager with all the features a personal or small business userwould want in a checking account program-- easy transaction entries,automaticreconciliation, power ...
Also have so many documents with amounts given in your local currency instead of in Euro ?Or are all prices you receive given in EUR although you preferred your local currency ?Then SmartEuro is ex...
Calculate Financial Ratios Using WINDEX (5) For Excel. Windex (5) provides a family of five prepared Excel worksheets for setting up five year balance sheets, income statements and cash flow report...
Network-capable multi-client invoicing program that can work closely together with the accounting software Account Pro for Windows (from Version 8). However, Account Pro Invoice can also be operate...
Morovia SecurePay Fontware contains sixteen special designed fonts for these who want to print convenience amount and payee names in a way that is extremely difficult to wash, modify and counterfei...
MidCast, by HillCast Technologies, is the world's first streaming real-time financial application for mobile devices. MidCast's patent-pending technology executes on the mobile device itself and co...
A program for newspaper couriers/paperboys to track their newspaper route records through an easy to use and very intuitive interface. It includes areas for storing information on: Delivery Types; ...
Accounting program,multi-system (Anglo-American and European), multi-currency, andmultilingual with English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Danish,Swedish and Dutch.
CrГѓВ©ditos, utilidad del negocio, flujos de caja descontados, planeamiento financiero, inversiГѓВіn, bonos, costo de capital, opciones, valuaciГ...
General Ledger 2000 is a double-entry accounting application for managing personal and small-business finances. Its features include individual income and expense transaction entries, summarization...
Creating accounting registers in MS Excel.
BudgetPro is an excellent program designed in Excel. It allows you to track your daily financial transactions.It allows you to track Monthly Expenses, Misc. Expenses, and Deposits. You can even p...