ZipZag Discount
ZipZag Discount ZipZag is an advanced archiver that can handle zip, a, ace, arc, arj, bz2, bza, cab, cpio, cryptozip, deb, gca, gz, gza, jar, lha, lib, lzh, lzs, pak, pk3, rar, rpm, rs, tar, tar.z, taz, tz, tar.bz2, tbz, tb2, tbz2, tar.gz, tgz, wad, wmz, wsz, yz1, z, b64, uue, xxe.
Features include extract, add, delete, sfx, unsfx, convert, batch add, batch extract, merge, run, install, checkout, view, test, virus scan, repair, remove known password, truncate, span, unspan, mail, print file list, file list export to txt, csv and htm files and more.
ZipZag has a build-in viewer that works with most of popular formats, like html, xml, doc, xls, bmp, ico, jpg, tiff, tga, png, pcd, psd, psp, pcx and more. c++, delphi, css, java, java script, visual basic, visual basic script, perl and php source code is viewed using highlighted syntax. ..