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The Password Assistant allows you to unlock worksheets or workbooks that are password protected!. It does the task in just minutes. And, it gives you the password so that you can re-lock the workbo...
The Loan Assistant tells you in advance what your loan payments will be for any loan. It also generates amortization tables showing the amount of principal, unpaid balance and interest by week, mon...
Accounting with goods, sales, accounts, and more in MS Excel 97/2000
This java Data Grid Control applet enables the display of data in rows and columns in java & web applications. Powerful features include Fast Sorting, Data Acquisition, URL Hyperlinks, Embedded Ima...
The ASAP Euro Converter is an easy to use, professional Euro conversion program, which automates the process of converting your financial data to Euro and vice versa.automatic detection of currency...
XLChartPro creates Point and Figure Charts with Excel Workbooks. Configurable Number of reversals and box sizes. Choose from three different vertical axis scaling and overlay with volume histograms...
Smart Suite Millennium Edition 9.6 CD with Lotus 1-2-3, word processor and organiser.
Excel Templates for analysis of Waiting Lines include 2 models: Single-server queues and Multiple-server queues.
Free download real and historical stock quotes from USA, Europe, and Canada into Excel spreadsheets. Mutual funds, corporate bonds, Major USA Market Indices, Major World Indices are downloadable in...
These lessons have been written by OzGrid Business Applications who develop Excel spreadsheets on a professional basis. Each lesson is drawn from 'real world' experience and not made up class room ...
The Sensitivity Analyzer for Microsoft Excel allows you to run many what if cases in just seconds! Menu driven and easy to use.The Sensitivity Analyzer add-in allows you to vary the data in up to f...
Extended Accounting Light Edition. MS Excel 97/2000/XP add-in. Data Entry Bug Tracker. Tracks entry bugs during an entry.For more info about screenshots and available product versions please visit:...
Excel Template for Facility Location includes model for Center-of-gravity method for locating distribution centers.
Excel Templates for Scheduling incluede three models: Job sequencing for a single work station, Job sequencing for 2 work stations in series, and Job sequencing for 3 work stations in series.
The Real Option Valuation model encompasses a suite of option pricing tools to quantify the embedded strategic value for a range of financial analysis and investment scenarios. Traditional discount...
Create Point and Figure Charts within Excel using customisable box size and number of reversals. Choose from three different vertical axis scaling types. Overlay with volume histograms, moving aver...
NeuroXL Predictor is a powerful, easy-to-use and affordable solution for advanced estimation and forecasting. By harnessing the latest advances in artificial intelligence and neural network technol...
Get the six most popular add-ins for Microsoft Excel and two downloadable books on Excel macros in one great collection.Time Saving Add-ins:The Spreadsheet Assistant Add over 200 time saving featu...
ESTIMATE FLOORING INSTALLATION WITH EASE AND ACCURACY!Flooring Installation Cost Estimating System for Excel. Designed specifically for flooring contractors, home remodelers, builders, cost estimat...
Rep2excel is a professional oracle report to excel converter. It can convert .html file generated by oracle report server to excel format. If you deploy rep2excel on a web-server as a CGI applicati...
is a Microsoft Excel based application that digitizes data from pictures.
Print your Excel reports automatically in the order you need them. The Report Runner stores your report settings and automatically opens workbooks, sets up the worksheets and prints the reports or ...
The Print Assistant is a Microsoft Excel add-in that automatically adds custom footers to all your printouts. The footers can include the spreadsheet's filename and directory. Easily find the workb...
SpreadCalc - for those who use Excel seldom and don't need all its complicated features. A handy utility with most often used features of Excel but for less money - for you.
Operations Manager Forecasting Templates include: Simple exponential smoothing, Smoothing linear, exponential, and damped trends, and two additional models for managing seasonal adjustments.