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EZ Save Flash is an Internet Explorer add-on, that enables you to save Flash (.swf) files in just one click. EZ Save Flash integrates into the IE context menu and makes new option available when ri...
DownCalc is an application that enables you to calculate the downloading time of files from the Internet to the PC. DownCalc presents you with results for different types of modems. Enter a file s...
This bundle includes activation code for ReGet Deluxe 3.0 (supplied by e-mail) and ReGet CD (supplied by postal mail, delivery might take from 1 to 2 weeks depending on your location) with the late...
Picdownloader is a software product to help you download thounds of pictures aumatically from web sites.There are hundreds of thousands sites all over the Internet that include interesting or usefu...
Iphoto is an easy-to-use Internet application that allows you to download pictures from the web. It can access your favorite web sites with a maximum of 8 threads simultaneously. It analyzes the st...
The Offline Downloader program is conveniently designed to download Internet websites exactly the way you want them, including or excluding any parts you need or don't need (such as directory, doma...
MetaProducts Internet Suitecombines a powerful offline browser and theworld's fastest file downloader in one economic package. It supports themost recent Web technologies (HTML, CSS, Frames, Java s...
URL Sniff monitors your clipboard for URL's (Internet Links) that get copied to it.If you right click on a link in your browser and choose "Copy Shortcut", URL Sniff will add it to the list of down...
WebSurfer Assistant is a smart Internetclient for downloading files, set of pages or sites wholly. It supportserror recovery and download resuming. If the downloading of files was notcompleted duri...
The Website Extractor program is designed to custom download Internet Web sites, including or excluding parts you do or don't need (such as the directory, domain and file names, types of files, fil...
GetRight extends your file downloading with resuming of broken downloads, easy error recovery, download acceleration, and many other features to give you faster and more flexible downloads. ...
Net Leech is a simple yet powerful download manager, accelerator and organizer. It supports both HTTP and FTP protocols, proxy servers, file splitting and broken connection handling. Ultra edition ...
Automatically generate GetRight ".grx" download lists based on URL + FileSeries + Index (e.g. files on www.server.com/pics/pic001 to ..pic123 can be automatically added as a series of downloads to ...
This CD contains latest versions of ReGet Deluxe and ReGet Junior. Please notice that CD does not contain activation codes to unlock the software. ReGet CD will be shipped to you within 2 business...
This CD contains latest versions of ReGet Deluxe and ReGet Junior. Please notice that it DOES NOT contain activation codes to unlock the software. You can buy ReGet Deluxe or ReGet Junior from th...
LoadScout allows you to get information from media and archive files on the web without downloading them. It takes only a small part of a file and extracts the required data. The program works unde...
3wGet is the powerful download manager for downloading files from Internet with the best possible speed which your connection can give you. It's achieved due to splitting downloading file onto seve...
Lightning Download is a download accelerator, manager, scheduler, and more. It helps you get better, faster downloads.
ReGet Deluxe is a powerful download manager that saves your time and retrieves anything you want from the Internet. ReGet Deluxe resumes broken downloads from FTP, HTTP and HTTPS servers, from onli...
HiDownload (HD) is the leading download manager that download stream media.HiDownload(HD) is a Windows 9x/ME/NT/2000/XP program that allows you to download individual files (or lists of files) from...
If you are a serious scan collector you know what a hassle it is to pour over news group listings to find those items you need for a collection. AutoPix-CSV will take the drudgery out of getting w...
ImagerX downloads images, video and audio from Usenet Newsgroups. The application can download thousands of files in one session, displaying themon the fly. Images can even be displayed in a slide ...
ReGet Deluxe is the powerful download manager for downloading from Internet with the unmatched speed. Improve your download experience by 3-5 times faster downloads, resuming and seamless integrati...
glNET WebGrab is a simple and convenient way to download, save, and organize Web Pages for off-line viewing and archiving. glNET WebGrab features an easy to use multithreaded graphical interface al...
InstantGet is a powerful and efficient download manager and accelerator, InstantGet splits downloading files into multiple sections, downloading each section simultaneously to increase downloading ...