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BinaryWebTimer .NET can be used to update, in real-time, any ASP.NET page that relies on changing data. The control will automatically "post back" an ASP.NET WebForm (.aspx page) at user-specified ...
CGIExecuter is a small CGIhandler that handles "dirty" CGI-ingfor other programs. This program allows you to create customized responsepages, write data to files on yourserver or use MS-DOS batch f...
The control reads barcodes from TIF and JPG files using both Shell and 'C' API's.Supported barcode types include Code-25, Code-39, Code128, EAN-8, EAN-13, UPC-A and UPC-E.
Print RSS barcodes with this 100% managed code .NET Forms Control. This advanced control allows the creation of barcodes that can be easily sent to the printer or to graphic images and they do not ...
The ULTIMATE Euchre Game!
This is a 100% managed code MICR Forms Control. This advanced control allows MICR images to be easily sent to the printer or to graphic images and they do not use fonts or bitmaps.
RadVC is a Developer Studio Add-in that allows a Visual C++ programmer to work in a Visual Basic like Rapid Application Development (RAD) environment. It helps users to visually add forms and contr...
CGIMailer sends e-mailbased on information retrivedfrom Web pages. E-mail message templates, response templates, and errortemplates are supported.
Delphi Component Help Builder is a powerful tool that quickly and easily creates help files for Delphi components to integrate it with Delphi IDE help system. It parses Pascal source code and extra...
The DX Variables server allows multiple programs to share variables of any type between themselves. This server stores the variables by name in memory and returns the variable values to any other ...
Atelier Web Capi ActiveX control enables the development ofsophisticated ISDN aware phone applications in a question ofdays, even hours.This is not just another ISDN Caller ID control. Inside the c...
DSPing Pro is a set of 2 components. One component that implements the standard ping, based on ICMP echo requests. The second is an innovative component which you can use to ping servers that do no...
The Master Add-In 97 for Visual Basic 4.0 32-Bit. The one and only true code database comes complete with over 100 professional subroutines for double-click insertion into your next VB project. Wan...
Programmers Assistant is a very powerful development tool for C and C++ programmers. It performs many routine tasks these developers manually do on an all too regular basis. These include tasks suc...
RTFReport is a native Delphi VCL component that implements flexible and powerful report generation engine. The outcome of the RTFReport is a ready-to-print editable Rich Text Format (RTF)documents....
32-Bit Visual Basic 4.0 add-in gives programmers double-click access to over 100 of the most professional subroutines. Features also include Message Box, Input Box, and Screen Saver wizards; Contro...
Rajsoft FTP component is a server component Build on VC++ COM technology ,to enable the rapid construction of high-quality/high-performance custom applications with ASP on Internet and Intranet. Th...
TSmartDBNavigator is visible Delphi 4 Component developed to increase standard Delphi DBNavigator functionality with additional important functions like: a) Filtering; b) Find First and Find Next...
Tooltips.NET VXPLib component for Windows 95/98/Me/NT4/2000/XP. The library is a single-DLL COM Server for all development platforms, and includes: Graphical parser to draw HTML on any Device Conte...
Visualize GPS information such as satellite location, signal strength, bearing and direction to destination with this lightweight, flicker-free .NET user control. Includes properties to allow the c...
4TOPS Excel Import Assistant is an add-in for Microsoft Access. It enables you to import data from Excel in Access in a controlled way. Moving row after row through your Excel table(s) you can inst...
Professional serial communication library for Windows. .
SuperSizeX is an ActiveXcontrol designed to resize or reposition all controls in a form as the formis resized without any code. If you want to limit the minimum form size, itdoes it for you. If you...
A custom OCX control thatwill allow the developerto detect whether a computer is connected to theInternet. May be used in applications to determineif they should run with or without an internet con...
Component for Borland Delphi 2, 3, 4, 5 and C++ Builder 3. Allows the floppy disks formatting and/or verification, bootable disks making, single tracks formatting, reading/writing the floppy disk s...