KaZaa is a great P2P filesharing program, but has some very annoying features. Diet Kaza is a small addon that was written for KaZaA to aleve most of the problem areas, and add some cool features o...
LocalWEB2000 Professional - Professional includes everything that LocalWEB2000 has plus an Integrated Remote Management Server. Ideal for SME's
pdfFactory differs from all other PDF creators because of its unique preview window and ease of use. Combining documents into a single PDF is a simple matter of printing them in sequence to pdfFac...
Easy File Sharing Web Server is a file sharing system that allows visitors to upload/download files easily through a Web Browser(IE,Netscape,Opera etc.).It can help you share files with your friend...
Full featured HTTP server for Windows. LocalWEB2000 Standard includes all the features you would expect to see in a webserver 10 times its price.
pdfFactory Pro differs from all other PDF creators because of its unique preview window and ease of use. Combining documents into a single PDF is a simple matter of printing them in sequence to pd...
Kazaa and Grokster (Fasttrack P2P Network programs) suffer from a number of performance limiters. The biggest problem is most files fail for a number of reasons. If you don't get your file within...
LocalWEB2000 Professional - includes all the functionality of LocalWEB2000, plus an integrated remote management server
SwapShaker is the first and powerful file automation utility for your favorite file swapping services, including Kazaa, Morpheus, Grokster, AudioGalaxy, BearShare, LimeWire and others. With SwapSh...
Make Kazaa download files faster and more efficiently!It works by automatically finding more sources at user-defined intervals to help ensure 100 percent bandwidth utilization at all times.It is de...
BearShare is a software tool that enables peer-to-peer file sharing on the Gnutella network. Similar to the popular Napster service, it enables the sharing, searching, and downloading of MP3 music ...
EzInstall allows you to easily create a self-extracting installer and de-installer for Windows. Automatic short-cut generation, uninstaller creation, cut-and paste disclaimer (or message), and a i...
Click2PDF Create PDFs for your family and friends with photos, recipes, and stories. For your business convert software documentation, product catalogs, newsletters, and more into PDF files that ca...
Includes everything that Standard has, plus a remote administration telnet server. A must for anyone wanting to remotely administer a webserver.
LocalWEB2000 Professional - Includes all the features of Standard but with a remote access telnet server
Paq send file sending large file or file share,photos, images, program and mp3 music etc. , please try eFileGo. When you want to send a large file or file share,photos, images, programs, folders an...
Share your files to Internet. It's an useful tools for wideband user.File-Sharing for net, a All-In-One server program that allows you to Host a secure Web-Based Virtual Folder system and does not ...
Family Systems MySharer(tm) automates Web publishing or online file transfers between any two PCs you can access on the Interent or a local network...any time, any where. All you need is a connect...