Alfa File Protector
Alfa File Protector Alfa File Protector (AFP) 7.0, is a unique component / library, for Windows developers, for integrating file protection and file hiding in developers' applications, without having to bother about the complexity of the Windows internals (how it works, how to filter it etc.). Alfa File Protector component sends, so called, protection items to the driver, which are used on-the-fly by the driver to allow / deny a file operation to occur. В· Alfa File Protector can deny file open, file create, file replace, file read, file write, file/directory rename, file delete, directory create, directory delete, query file/directory attributes, change attributes, query last access date, query modification date, query creation date, set last access date, set modification date, set creation date; can hide files (make them invisible, but still accessible if the user / program knows the exact location of it), and can make files fully inaccessible (invisible, and not accessible even if the user / program knows the exact location). В· Alfa File Protector can filter file patterns using wild cards, can use more than one pattern per entry (e.g. *.exe;*.dll), can filter process names, can filter exclusion filters for file names and processes, as well. В· Alfa File Protector also support tagging a password with an entry. This way an entry is protected from unauthorized users, and makes it easy to create multiple user interface in no time. Passwords help protect items from being deleted, changed and even listed, unless the user known the exact password. В· Alfa File Protector support Unicode and Ansi characters, providing the ability to make applications for far east countries (Japan, China, Korea) and also Hebrew and Arabic character support. Unicode version also helps protect files without worrying about the character code page. Alfa Corporation ships Ansi and Unicode versions as separate drivers, for full compatibility. В· Alfa File Protector Supports Windows 95/98/98SE/Me/NT4/2000/XP ..