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- consecutively dials numbers from a phone list; - can play prerecorded message or let the user to interact; - automatic or manual disconnection; - automated dialing from command prompt; - multi li...
Powerful tool for every financial professional or investor, offers great possibilities for evaluating business or portfolio performances. - 65 standard financial and cash flow ratios divided into 1...
This is the collection of 591+ sample business letters and forms as featured at 4hb.com - The Entrepreneur's "For Home Business" Information Website.The on-line version can be found at http://www.4...
AnyOrder Professional Level I is a comprehensive invoicing program designed for small mail order businesses--or any business that needs to process orders whether received by phone, mail or email. S...
Business Letter Samples Library is the quick and easy way to produce professional quality business correspondence. With this one easy-to-use tool you can save time, save money, and project a profes...
This is the upgrade for the unlimited site license registration of ProKon only. Please be certain to use the same name as when originally purchased for verification purposes.
Survey Design, Distribution and analysis software for students and other people performing small surveys. Each survey can contain up to 500 responses, and analysis can be performed using reports or...
fax@NET Plus receives fax messages (ISDN) and sends them via SMTP to your mailaccount. You can send your faxes via the WebClient, the fax@NET Plus Printer or via a socket communication.
Whenever you send files by email or on disk you need Mobsoft Project Presenter, The most professional way to compress and present your files. Project Presenter does so much more than a basic zip ut...
iPopAds gives you the ability to advertise your products and services using a windows based message box service spanning hundreds if not thousands of computers at one time to provide the utmost rea...
E-Staff is a hiring solution for staff recruiting agencies and human resource departments. E-Staff provides managing database for all candidates who have contacted you, automated importing of resum...
SmartWorks is a cost effective and scalable collaboration tool, which allows people in a workgroup to enhance and measure Business productivity. SmartWorks is a client-server based software and com...
Sales Master not only helps you identify your customer's personality profile, but it also suggests proper tactics to approach him with. As a result, youll be able to tailor your sales tactics to me...
File Send Automatically(FSA) is an add-in for Microsoft Outlook 2000/XP, designed to perform the routine operations on sending files and messages automatically. Say, you have to send everyday repor...
e-LAN Monitor is a software that can effectively monitor the resources of your existing Local Area Network. It is specifically tailored for Internet Cafes and Internet Rentals Stations to track usa...
Supervisors and payroll personnel have instant access to employee time cards right from their own computers. Know exactly when your employees are on the job and when they are not.Supervisors can ov...
Commercial Real Estate creates enormous wealth to thosewho have the analysis tools needed for success. IPCommercial is that tool. This comprehensive tools allowsyou to analyze commercial and off...
Module Graphics for OrdersCE 2002
Child Care Registration (CCR) provides for easy entry of both regular weekly 'permanent' daycare schedules as well as on-going 'temporary' schedules. To insure compliance with State certification ...
Margin Analysis is designed for the retail supermarket and grocery industry. By tracking the beginning inventories, purchases, sales, known loss, markdowns, unknown loss, annualized turns, and bill...
Finance Calculator is an extremely useful and easy to use financial aid for quickly calculating:Loan repayments Savings growth (single or multiple deposits) Present and future value Savings goals (...
Xatellitesheet spreadsheet mapping software works with Microsoft Excel@. With Xatellitesheet, you can quickly and easily display Excel@ data on detailed 3-digit zipcode or 2-digit postcode maps.
OpAccounter is an add-in designed to simplify a creating oftypical pivot tables in Excel 5, Excel 7, Excel 97. It allows also to use aconcept of computable items ( similar to computable items in Ex...
Anatomy of a Business Plan, now in its 16th year and 5th edition, has guided over 1,000,000 business owners smoothly through the business planning process. It has been used extensively for business...
TrakLoan is a loan management system designed specifically for local and regional development companies that make loans to local businesses and borrow, in turn, from government or other agencies. T...